I've been very fascinated by the response to this column. Most of it has been positive. Most people see it for what it is, entertainment. Sure, there's some insights here about men, and hopefully it's informative. Hopefully, it's seen helpful and you, the reader have enjoyed a few chuckles reading it. I had hoped that this blog would be a positive thing, a way to bridge the gap in understanding between the sexes in a fun way, without all that "Mars and Venus crap.
But not everyone is a fan. Today, I got an email in response to the "rack mounted" post of yesterday.
He said:
"Wow, you really hate women, don't you? This guy is an even bigger jerk than you are!
And I Say That Affectionately."
Now, I don't know how anyone can "affectionately" call you a sexist jerk, but that's a separate issue entirely.
First off, let me address the obvious: I do not hate women. I have had my issues with specific women, as have many men, but that does not mean I have issues with women in general. Are all women bad? Hardly. Meditation teaches us that no one is bad, just the condition that they are afflicted with(anger, attachment, etc). I agree with this. I approach all people with compassion, especially women. Take any woman on the street. She is someone's daughter. She is someone's friend, lover and confidant. She might also be someone's wife and mother. Those are all amazingly wonderful things. When you take that in to account, how could you hate anyone? I can't. I didn't always think this, mind you, but I have a much healthier outlook now, that I did previously.
I think women are amazing creatures. They smell good, and they giggle and they are mysteries that we as men will never fully unravel. That's okay. That's the beauty of it. They have different skills, thoughts, attitudes and outlooks. They fill in our gaps and vice versa. Men are not better than women, they are just different. We are raised and conditioned differently.
What I do hate, though, is Dr. Phil and most of those so called "relationship" experts. Why? Because I feel that their work is incredibly biased. Dr. Phil literally says(In his book "relationship rescue") Men are dumb. We don't get it." That may be true, but it seems incredibly biased to me, to say the very least. Just the thought of it makes my blood pressure rise.
I know I am on to something with this blog. I will not apologize for it, or what I have said. I do not think I should be condemned for it. I said it like it is, and that's brave. There is no fault in that. It isn't intended to win or lose friends, rather, just to be honest about the way guys can feel about things and maybe, just maybe people laugh along the way. That was the mandate with which I created this.
If I have veered from that mandate, then that is a problem. This blog is not intended to be my personal opinion as stated before, and it is intended to have a fun and sarcastic, not hostile tone. If it is coming off like I am stating personal opinions and those opinions are sexist, then I need to make some adjustments. No harm in doing that.
So, let me have it readers! Post a comment, tell me what you think. I'd really like to hear it.
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