Monday, February 11, 2008

Round hole and the square peg....

Question: My boyfriend wants me to peg him(put on a strap on and have anal sex with him). Is this weird? Does this make him gay?

Answer: It might be weird to you, but it definitely, in my opinion, does not mean he’s gay. To me, ANY sex act that occurs between two people of different genders is heterosexual, even pegging. Seem weird? Ask yourself this: If my guy wanted to do me in the butt, would that make him gay? No, no it wouldn’t. So you having anal sex with him, while maybe not a common request, isn’t any less of a heterosexual sex act than if the roles were reversed(no pun intended)

So, the real question in your mind probably is not whether or not it’s gay, but rather “it makes me unconformable, what do I do?” Well, you have two choices. You can either do it, or not. It’s that simple. You shouldn’t feel any kind of pressure to do it, nor should he feel bad about wanting you to. Sex acts are kind of like vegetables. Some are loved by lots of people, such as carrots, celery or edamame, or very few people, such as Brussels sprouts. If you’re into Brussels sprouts and you can’t live without it in your life, you need to find someone who’s willing to give you Brussels sprouts on a regular basis. People who are into celery aren’t going to. So now that I’ve ruined the produce section for you, you and your partner have some discussing to do. Dig?

1 comment:

Shanti said...

ah, the Brussel sprouts. haha. good to see you're back in blogging action.